Here’s the last TED-related post for the week. Julian Treasure recently gave a talk back about speaking so people will listen. He should know. Companies pay him to for his input on how to use sound. Yeah. That’s a job. Anyways. He shared about seven deadly sins of speaking: gossip, judging, negativity, complaining, excuses, embroidery/exaggeration, and dogmatism (“the confusion of facts with opinions”). To contrast, he also shared four cornerstones of powerful speech that brings change: honesty, authenticity, integrity, and love (HAIL). He goes on to give eight tools to help in speaking, but . . . now I’ve just quoted way too much. First of all, I want to ask forgiveness for having engaged in the seven deadly sins on too regular a basis. Second, for all my sins, I hope that my speaking has at least incorporated the elements of HAIL.

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