Category: General

  • My Food? His Will

    My Food? His Will

    “Baby’s full” When I was in college, there was a dining hall next to my dormitory that was buffet style (i.e., all you can eat). I remember going there every night of freshman year with the same group of friends. One of our favorite nights was chicken tenders night. How can you resist? Unlimited piles…

  • Me, Too?

    Me, Too?

    I don’t consider myself an emotional individual, but I was really rocked by what happened in Las Vegas a few weeks ago. #HopeForVegas I have also been troubled as I read Facebook posts after Facebook posts that all begin with #MeToo. I was hoping that someone in the Christian space would speak into this topic,…

  • I’m a Little Tired

    I’m a little tired. Friday 4:30 Woke up 5:15 Drove to Newport 10:00 Drove to Irvine 2:00 Drove to Newport Saturday 4:30 Woke up 8:00 Drove to Irvine 10:00 Drove to Newport 12:00 Drove to Irvine 7:00 Drove to Newport 9:00 Drove to Irvine Sunday 5:30 Woke up 2:00 Drove to Newport 6:00 Drove to…

  • Praying As a Family

    Praying As a Family

    Here’s a little snippet I wrote for the October newsletter of Saddleback Kids Irvine South. It was fun to write, so I thought I’d share with the rest of you. Here it is . . . uncut. “Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all…

  • No Excuses

    Only by the grace of God, I had an opportunity for a parenting moment today. This Friday, her youth group is having a Bring-A-Friend night. I asked her who she was going to bring. She said she wasn’t going to bring anybody. I asked her why. She gave me a whole litany of reasons why…

  • Loyalty versus Selfishness

    I was struck by a conversation I had the other night with my two daughters. I’ll try to write it in narrative form rather than the usual movie script form we use on the Interwebs. I had just gotten home from work and was exhausted due to a stressful situation that had arisen in the…

  • “No Allusions in the Classroom”

    “No Allusions in the Classroom”

    Okay. So this one’s only a year old, but it refers to an article (see below) that was written almost thirty years ago. I don’t remember how I came across this article, but it intrigued me and I wondered if we would have similar (or worse) findings today. How many in our schools would lack…

  • Then Die

    Then Die

    It’s my birthday, so no post today. For my birthday, I will share with you this anecdote from one of the people I admire most. Stirling Silliphant (a student of Lee’s) relates an interesting story that perfectly embodies Lee’s attitude toward progressive resistance in cardiovascular training as well as his refusal to let a person—in…

  • “My Father: A True Story” by Emma Yi

    “My Father: A True Story” by Emma Yi

    Chapter One . . . How My Father Looks My father’s hair is black He is as tall as my car He weighs about 30 pounds My dad looks best when he wears his pjs and pink suit Dad’s eyes are black Chapter Two . . . All About My Dad My dad is happy when…

  • Men as Husbands

    Men, whether you’re single or married, you need to listen to this sermon. The sermon, “Men as Husbands,” was posted on Facebook by one of my students back in November, but I finally got around to listening to it recently (it’s actually over ten years old). What a great sermon! I am now going through…